Monday, June 11, 2007

My ideal President

My ideal president for 2008

1) Someone who would end the war and bring back troops home. Home is where they belong. With their family and friends.

2) Someone who would deport illegal people who have entered the country illegally. Lets face it, they broke the law and should be sent back. Name a country in the world who would warmly welcome people who have entered the country illegally.

3) Someone who would secure our boarders. I am in favor of putting up the wall along our boarders.

4) Someone who would charge usage fees to air charters and corporates jets who uses the sky. Exampt private pilots and students pilots from charging usage fees.

5) Someone who would spend taxpayers' money to improve our country than giving it way to others.

6) Someone who would declare English as an official language.



Meghna said...

I have to agree with you on these points.. both from point of USA and India, though in our case, it would be more about Prime Minister.. and i have a few more points too add.

If you have only these 6 points.. then i think your country is damn lucky..

By the way.. i didn't know that English isn't your official language.. now i am wondering what language has that honor??

Speedy said...

Well, these are the top 6 I feel strongly about.